The truth is, little children should not die in homes infused with invisible odourless gas used to kill people in WWII gas chambers; Hydrogen Cyanide; Zyklon B. Then our authorities seek to ‘solve the problem of keeping people from finding out the truth’. A disgraceful stain on the UK exposing the systemic ability of those in power to protect themselves from being held to account.
Zane was stripped of any voice by removing his Human Rights Act rights, and no one listened to us, until we were joined by you. Add the supporters list. Now we have the support of the UK’s largest unions FBU, TUC, Unison, Unite, CWU, NEU, etc, Hillsborough Law Now, and the 118,000 members of the public calling for an Inquiry (
You have all been Tremendous in highlighting this child state cover up to MPs at the highest political levels. National Incident Records, Freedom of Information, and honest decent professionals have placed the truth in plain sight, and shattered the false narrative pedalled across global media, that Zane died from CO poisoning; a substance, data, and facts, show was not even present, whilst the family had Hydrogen Cyanide; the deadly nerve agent detected in the house at Very High Levels, in their blood.
Zane died and Authorities Lied. The truth was known on the day Zane was killed on the 8th February 2014. However huge amounts of public authority time and money have been use to misdirect the media, authorities, and public, hiding the truth, demonising, and scapegoating the victims, bludgeoning rights to truth. Our campaign continues to be grieving parents seeking a legacy of truth to make sure people understand what happened and prevent these known harms happening to others, according to the BMJ 80% of people in this country live within 2km of landfill. If you haven’t already, please join the campaign and help stop what happened to Zane happening to others. With your continued support we will achieve the legacy of truth Zane deserves.