Zane being poisoned in a house infused with the nerve agent; hydrogen cyanide detected by specialist HAZMAT at 'Very High Levels', and the misdirections that followed have created a different world view for us.
We are left to mourn the beautiful times we had with our boy, his fearless endeavors at Go Ape on his 7th and last birthday, his looking forward to F1; as Zane was a special member of Brooklands Clubhouse from where he loved to cheer Lewis Hamilton around the track. Zane loved it when he went to Asia; indeed he simply loved meeting people wherever he went; neighbours, school, church, and the dojo for Tai Kwon Do leading the Creed. As many parents, we had hopes and dreams for Zane, he was one of us, by that we mean one of that group of people that care about the other human beings around them. Zane had chosen this caring path early in life. Just taking a short period before his death Zane had helped the charity the Samaritans prepare for Christmas dinner, he helped found his great schools Eco Team, and was interviewed about why Sustainability is important in which he explained that we liked to look after our garden, but the world s one big garden that we are all responsible for. Zane cared about his neighbours and wanted them to be protected from the local flooding, so he came to a small community meeting that reached out to authorities to act on these concerns, we were not to know just hours later Zane would pay the ultimate price; the injury and death he was keen should not happen to neighbours through authority failure to listen to repeated community concerns over flood protection.
Zane's death was preventable, and the truth of what happened was known, notified, and reported on the day. The truth about Hillsborough was also known on the day and it should not have taken 30 years to bring those responsible to justice following a flawed inquest. As the RH Andy Burnham pointed out to Parliament they should hang their heads in shame at the injustice done to Zane as he stands as a man of integrity, strong in his support of truth for Zane.
In addition to support from RH Andy Burnham and the Labour Party standing in support for Zane to have an Independent Panel Inquiry (which is how Hillsborough got the truth), unions, political parties, the public, celebrities, and organiations are also standing up in support, also appalled at the blatant injustices and blatant abuse that litters the Zanes case. The Mail on Sunday headlined this wicked abuse as 'The Most Toxic Cover Up of Them All'.
As we approached Zane's Birthday the Green Party Annual Conference unanimously passed a motion in support of TruthAboutZane. It was the final and a most memorable motion; emotional for leaders within the Party who were keen to reveal the truth, the facts, and protect the public from the ticking time bomb that landfill represents. http://www.truthaboutzane.com/updates/the-green-party-pass-emergency-motion-backing-truthaboutzane
Unions get it, they are also passing motions of support for TAZ and are building their own energy, momentum, and leadership, to obtain an Independent Panel Inquiry for Zane, and protect members, and the wider public at risk. Great unions traditionally amongst the greatest defenders of rights and justice like the Public and Commercial Services Union, UNISON, and our very great Fire Brigade Union are at the forefront. These voices, and the growing wider public, we give thanks to on Zane's Birthday; thanks to you we have some space to feel our heart felt memories of Zane, and hope that, together, we will ensure Zane's legacy is one of truth. It is this hope that is something positive to celebrate on Zanes Birthday.
We loved seeing your little face as you beamed with joy all kitted out in all in one green fatigùes as a warrior soldier running purposefully through the woods on a mission. You loved playing football with your friends, Quadbiking, indoor climbing walls, reading your Roald Dahl collections, hilly walks, rolling in piles of leaves shed from our trees in the garden having jumped from the seat of your swing which swang from the tall Sycamore. You loved playing chess and would win with that glint of fun in your big brown eyes. You loved seaside fish and chips in the summer, and playing in the snow with 'mummy daddy' in winter, and your treat of going to school on your bright red sledge powered by mummy.
For years you would impress us and passers by with your bike stunts and tricks; the passing fire engines and their smiling crew would slow down to watch this cutsey; curly haired little boy, full of the joys, riding up and down the footpath in front of the Thames doing his stunt show. Big Foot Sasquach; your new BMX, had just arrived it, it turned out to be your last big Christmas present. The day of your maiden ride you were beaming with pride, then out of the blue up pops a young boy who asks if he can have a go. I was not surprised when you gladly handed him the bike saying 'you have a go'. You loved your bikes but you cared about people more.
Please raise a glass to Zane on the 21st October, the greatest gift remains the support of people that want to do the right thing. If you could help us get more signatures, by forwarding the petition to more people that can help and support, this would be very much appreciated, the petition is at http://you.38degrees.org.uk/p/truthaboutzane
The power of love is greater than the love of power and this will drive us to ensure the truth will win.
Justice for all, not just the few